Thursday, February 12, 2009

One week of being 33

Hi all.

It's one week after my birthday, and boy do I feel old. Also I'm falling apart. I got up off the couch a few days ago and my right knee tweaked and I just stood there grimacing in pain for a few minutes, then gingerly put weight on it to make sure it wasn't going to just completely crumble apart. Boy, I love my 30s!

So the birthday festivities were very fun! I took Friday off from work in order to prepare for the party on Friday night. I wore my goth Oompa-Loompa boots and realized that the left one really wasn't comfortable at all. So! Decision made. They will be returned. My wallet will thank me.

Anyway, the party was great! About 15-20 people showed up, and we had a wonderful time. The neighbors came over and could be stand-up comedians, the way they had everyone almost in tears laughing. And people brought me presents, even though I wasn't expecting them to.

On Saturday, Noel and I went to Midway, GA to look at a neat old cemetery down there - they have the really old slate stones with people who died in the 1770s. Very cool. It was a beautiful day for a drive, just to feel the sun and enjoy the day. That night, we got all dolled up and he took me on a gambling cruise, where I proceeded to show why I should never be taken to Vegas. I ran out of tokens oh, about 19 times. Sigh. But we had fun. I love me some slot machines! :)

This week has been busy - had to go to the dentist this morning (fun) and the vet tonight (even more fun). I also gave blood yesterday while passing through Savannah, so lots of needles lately. Eeek!

Anyway, that's the update for now. Hope everyone is ok! I'll let you know how much weight the kittens have gained. Poe is the size of a regular housecat now, and Loki is bigger than Poe was when they first came home. It's getting harder and harder to tell them apart. We tried putting collars on them yesterday so we could tell them apart, but that...didn't go over so well. Although it was hilarious, watching them try to figure out what was going on. Poe did this funny jumping backwards thing, like he could get away from it, and Loki generally just ran around in circles. :)

I'll try to get a picture of them in their new collars, so you can see how handsome they are!

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