Thursday, February 5, 2009

Got cake?

Happy Birthday to Me!
Yes, everyone, today is my birthday (thanks to those of you who have sent me cards/emails/etc). I'm not going to mention how old I am today, but suffice it to say I'm not yet in my mid-thirties. But I am standing on the brink. Looking down the slope to middle age. It's a fun place to be. :-
There will be festivities this weekend, which I'm very excited about. I promise to take photos and post them as well. I hopefully will be wearing a crown at some point. But no finger puppet. (glad to hear that, aren't you, Tom?)

In not-necessarily-positive news, I got my coveted boots a few days ago and to be honest, I'm not so sure I like them. They kinda make my calves look fat. Also they make me feel like a short rebellious teenager, not a swash-buckling, near-mid-30s pirate queen. So. I haven't returned them yet, but am debating on getting another type and sending these back for a refund. As previously noted, they weren't cheap, and with the economy potentially tanking (and taking my job with it), it might not be a bad idea to pocket some of that money and buy a less expensive pair of boots that don't make me look like a goth Oompa-Loompa.

So in an effort at daydreaming and not actually accomplishing anything productive lately, I've been quite successful at fantasizing about life in New England (minus the seriously scary mosquitos). Check this out (these photos are shared photos from but they had no credits, so nobody sue me!):

The coast of Maine.
Here is Maine in winter. Doesn't this just make you want to knit something? Or learn to knit in the first place? Or drink a hot buttered rum?

Lovely, huh? It's at times like this that I think about how nice it would be to live in a place with snow, and then I remember the years I spent in Colorado. Where it generally looks like this (again, thanks!):

Or this:

And the miracle of Colorado and its insane weather patterns, is that it can look like that on the same day in the same exact location! Really! Clear in the morning, fog at noon, rain in the afternoon, then snow. Then the next day, 70 degrees and the snow melts and floods the roads. It's fun.

Well, I suppose I should stop with the daydreaming and do something a bit more productive before the festivities begin in an hour. Woo hoo! I wonder what the kittens got for me?


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. In regards to the boots - I have a pair that are virtually the same as these but without the buckles. They ROCK! You may also want to check out a shorter pair that come up to where the calf widens - these can have a slimming effect on the lower legs. - Cat
