Thursday, January 22, 2009

Perhaps a little birthday splurge is in order. birthday is coming up in a few weeks and I've been feeling horribly unfashionable lately. There's a fantastic Goodwill about 20 minutes from Savannah, and I found some great clothes there. I love me some vintage weirdness. Anyway! I've spent a whopping $15 on clothes for myself from various thrift shops, and have been enjoying my new wardrobe additions.


I have some boots that I LOOOOVE that I've had for going on 10 years at best guess. These are some of my favorite boots - knee-high motorcycle boots with a few buckles thrown on for good measure. They were cheap - maybe $30? from a catalog, and I've worn them literally OUT. They're falling apart - the sole is detaching, the pleather they're made from is all cracked and in some spots just...gone, leaving the fabric stuff behind to try to hold it all together. I've retouched them with polish, I've doctored them with Sharpies, but the time has come to send them to that great boot closet in the sky. It is, in my opinion, an unnecessary stress to wear shoes that make you wonder if they're actually going to hold together the whole time you're wearing them.

And we all know how I can trip on things. So it's critically important for the safety of my nose to wear shoes that will NOT fall apart on me, or crack open revealing my frozen little piggies to the unrelenting elements (sidebar: it's COLD here).

So! In the spirit of "I make enough money to splurge sometimes" and "it's practically my birthday already" and "the kittens don't eat THAT much," I bought some new boots online yesterday. Check these out:

I have never in my life owned a pair of Doc Martens, but they're apparently super-comfortable and extremely long-lasting. Also? I COVET these boots. I've wanted a pair of pirate boots with buckles for so long, and when I saw these I couldn't stop thinking about them. Desire, my friends. Unmitigated desire. I had to have them. So I ordered them yesterday and will fastidiously track them to my doorstep, at which point I will probably leave work and go home and put them on and prance around my house and then come back to work and everyone here will say "you don't even have a bike, Kelli" and I'll say "Arrrr!" with my best pirate voice and requisite finger-hook. And then they'll leave me alone because they'll think I'm borderline insane. But with really stylin boots.

So this evening we get to take another trip to the vet's office! Exciting. At least the vet is in PetSmart, so there's stuff to look at there (did you know that cats can apparently be walked on leashes? Because they sell them. Also, cats apparently love bedazzled sweaters). I'm not really looking forward to the trip, since my responsibilities will probably be (1) holding down kittens a la some wild animal wrangler while they get their vaccinations, and (2) serving as a scratching post when said kittens freak the hell out and start their Houdini routine. Should be fun stuff!

Hopefully they can get all their vaccines though - they couldn't get them last time because they were sick. They've done well with their antibiotics and seem to be healthy now. So I hope to get them on the wellness plan that this hospital has, so that they can also get neutered (shhhh - don't tell them I said that).

On another note, the weather has been very cold lately. And this caused me to realize a funny truth this morning on the drive to work in my frost-covered car: I have knit TWELVE hats in the past month, and yet the only knitted hat I have is bulky sky-blue with big tassels hanging off of it. It's warm, but not exactly...professional. Unless you're a 12-year-old professional snowboarder. Why have I never knit myself a hat? I find this amusing. Also, it gives me a project to work on! Which is good, since I have no other projects going (that was sarcastic, for those of you who haven't seen my knitting basket/sewing room/writing desk).

Time to grab something to eat!


  1. my dear woman, really you had no choice but to purchase those boots, as i can sense your feet smiling and pining for them many miles away. good choice.

    i'm sorry life has been so crazy for you of late, but so glad you're pulling through with such splendid grace and that you're happy. sending hugs your way...

  2. kelli,
    well shanna called me and told me i need to look at your blog for some big udates in your life. she didn't tell me what it was, just said i needed to read it. BIG changes my friend. i'm so sorry you've been going through all of this. but you do sound like you're in a beter place. we need to talk. i just wanted to tell you i love you and miss you.

  3. I offer a moment of silence for the retired awesomeness of the motorcycle boots. . . . . .

    And await with bated breath the photos of the new ones!

