Yeah, we're right in the middle of that. Helloooooooo flash flooding! Also possible tornado problems tonight. Hurrah!
Also, please see the following link:
That's where I was today - shaking hands and explaining to children at a local middle school how important water is. And getting my picture taken by the media. 2 news stations were there, so I expect to be on the tv news tonight too. Looking slightly pudgy. Sigh. I must lay off the doritos. Sersely. One of my coworkers told me that tv cameras make you look 25% bigger than you actually are. Which makes me wonder how much (or little) do those teensy little women on the weather channel weigh? Because...wow. Eat a burger. Take mine. No really.
What else is happening here other than doritos and rain? Hmm...knitting. I've been knitting a lot lately which is nice. :) Surprises! So I can't elaborate. But I will be taking pictures.
Also yesterday was a big family holiday for us: April Fool's Day. My sister came up with a fun idea - get everyone (everyone!) to tell my mom Happy Birthday, despite the fact that her birthday is actually in May. hee hee. I sent an ecard from the kittens, and one of Rachel's friends made her a little cake and brought her a balloon. hee hee. Fun stuff.
Of course, Noel got me good by pretending his arm was broken at work, and I went running for my car keys before he started laughing. And then I kicked him soundly in the rear end. Because yes, he got me good! Not many people can - I'm usually pretty cynical. However, I am apparently also gullible when not properly caffeinated.
On a totally different note a blog I've been enjoying lately is http://www.cakewrecks.blogspot.com/. Hee hee. You should check it out if you have time.
Also, a great knitting blog is http://www.brooklyntweed.blogspot.com/ - this guy is a phenomenal knitwear designer. Gorgeous stuff - I love me some aran cables and this guy has serious talent. Too bad we're about 3 weeks away from sweltering down here!
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