Oh, and Happy September!
This is one of my favorite months of the year, because of the promise of my favorite season, Autumn!
Although one doesn't see much autumn in southern GA. Palm trees don't really change colors much.
However! Should there be an influx of cold weather, I am more than prepared:
Yes, I finished the arm warmer in the pink yarn. And I actually had enough to do the other one too! This pic shows the colors really bright - they're actually more muted like the first pic.
I changed the pattern up a bit and already emailed Berroco yarns to see if they want the pattern to this one and the blue/green/teal one from last week.
Speaking of, I got the yarn for the other arm of that project - it arrived on Saturday. Allison at Supercrafty.com is so fast with shipping! Amazing. Also? Somehow accidentally some pretty green sock yarn also ended up in my checkout cart. I just can't imagine how that could happen! What a tragedy! Heh.
On other (non-knitting) topics: Had a good weekend. Went for a long drive with Noel, saw some fun stuff which I will be posting pics of later this week. Played with the kittens, and also took them to the vet. Found out that Loki is apparently a little chub ball - we thought Poe was underweight. No, actually Loki is pulling a Garfield and is a little fat. Oops.
Also, I went for a motorcycle ride with Noel on the big white motorcycle, Bertha! I learned some things:
1. 60 mph doesn't feel fast in a car, but it really does on a bike.
2. I don't like the idea of swallowing bugs.
3. I still had to try to get my cheeks to do the whole flapping in the breeze thing, despite Point #2.
4. Cheeks, no matter how big, don't flap at 60 mph.
5. Birds fly low.
6. Motorcycles are hard for short people to mount without looking like a geriatric contortionist.
Bertha and I remain merely acquaintances. Bike riding is not my thing. I wasn't overly comfortable with feeling so open and vulnerable. Also? I was afraid my contacts might blow off of my eyeballs. Not a good feeling. Might be different if I were driving, but probably not. Noel was very gentle on the bike, going around the curves slowly so I wouldn't freak. Thanks for that! But yeah - a biker chick I am not so much. Guess I can save some cash since I don't have to buy that Harley bikini now. heh.
Also? I look like a total dork in the helmet. Sersely:
Good lord.