Thursday, May 21, 2009
Rain Rain Go Away (No, really don't!)
Monday, May 18, 2009
Kilts and kittens and knitting, Oh My!
So, just to get us all started with Photo Extravaganza 2009, let's discuss work.
My job has descended upon me like an avalanche of paperwork lately. I somehow end up taking on not only my work, but also the drudgery of paperwork that no one else wants to do either. So! Fun stuff. Here's my desk:
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Will Miracles Never Cease?
I finished my mom's present (I do have pictures but I can't post them until she gets the gift this weekend) and also my niece's birthday present. And I found out that the pregnant woman in my knitting group has registered at Target & Babies-R-Us, so therefore I'm off the hook for handknitting anything for that party on Monday. She probably needs fewer handknit hats and more wipes anyway, right?
So for those of you keeping track (all 0 of you), that mitigates 2 of the issues I had with knitting the shrug on the Lion Brand knit-along that starts tomorrow. The third issue was that of yarn, and needing to buy some and Oh The Horror of having to buy new yarn! Whatever shall I do? Gasp!
Then I went digging in my stash. And guess what I found? Some gorgeous Italian yarn, enough to make the shrug (I hope) and it's lovely - turquoise, with glints of shiny metallic pieces in it in all different colors. I'll take a picture for you. I tried to find a picture of it online, but this yarn must be discontinued because no one seems to have any for sale. Glad I bought out the store when they were going out of business! :)
So obstacle #3 is gone now too. So! Guess what I'm starting on?

What's also exciting - our plans for this weekend! The Scottish festival will be in town, and I do love some telephone-pole-throwing Scottish people. The festival isn't huge, but it's still fun - vendors, dancing, heavy athletics (see aforementioned telephone pole) and of course, Scottish food! YUM. The Scots are southerners at heart, really (or maybe southerners are Scottish at heart?) because these folks can deep fry anything. Including candy bars. It's good stuff, their meat pies and such. I'm excited. They also sell this:
I don't know how to describe Irn-Bru to you if you've never had it. It's...kinda like orange soda, but with more battery acid. But it's good! Scotland is supposedly the only soda-drinking country on earth where Coke isn't the soft drink of choice - Irn-Bru is. It's a particularly Scottish soda and I do plan on having at least one for old time's sake. Ah, St. Andrews, how I miss thee!
It's supposed to be HOT this weekend though. They're saying Saturday will be up to NINETY degrees. Wow. Better bring some sunscreen. I also hope they think to shear the sheep before the herding competition, or we might be having some broiled mutton at some point in the day. Sorry sheep! That was mean! I do hope someone thought of that though....poor little sweaty sheep.
Do sheep sweat? And if so, wouldn't their wool shrink? Huh.
On that mind-bending note, time to get to it. Ta ta!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Warning: Knitting Ahead!
Because of spring and warmth and such, I decided to change the look of the blog. Also? The dark color was REALLY dark. Sometimes the words didn't show up right. So! New colors. La la lovely fun!
I'm excited today because they're having a knit along on with my favorite knitwear designer, Stefanie Japel! (Check out her stuff at - fabulous). They're making a shrug that I've been eyeing for a while - most shrugs make me look like a linebacker, but this one is fitted, lean, and lovely. Here's the link to it:
Of course, there are a few reasons why I shouldn't participate in this knit along: (1) I need to buy more yarn for this project (oh the tragedy), and (2) I have 3 other projects waiting to be finished: my Mom's birthday present (will be done probably tonight for shipping tomorrow), my niece's present for her birthday in May, and an emergency baby gift for a woman in my knitting group. Apparently I'm unaware of how long babies gestate, because for some reason I was thinking that I had still 3 or so months before the baby arrives. Um, no, 6 weeks. Oops. So our knitting group decided on Monday to have a shower for her on the 11th, which doesn't leave much time for dawdling! I think I can crank something out pretty fast though.
Anyway, I've been wanting a shrug to wear over my sleeveless dresses but not a bulky one that makes me look like a refrigerator. This one fits the bill I think. I'm thinking a turquiose color would be nice. :)
This brings me to a point I wanted to discuss, of being stuck in clothing ruts. I realize that I've been stuck in one for a long time, primarily because of my former figure (pre-surgery), and now that I'm smaller and more fit, I could be wearing more fitted things, sleeveless and (gasp!) even strapless stuff! But I haven't been, for the most part. I've slowly branched into fitted things, and occasionally will wear a sleeveless dress, and I even bought 2 strapless maxi dresses recently, but then sewed straps on them. I find I'm not very comfortable showing my shoulders yet, probably because of years of always covering up.
The shrug is, in that sense, a security blanket - I can take it off, or leave it on, but that way I can decide my comfort level with a sleeveless dress or whatever. If I feel too uncovered, I can put it on and not feel like I'm wearing shoulder pads or a poncho or something. I love little summer dresses and have fabric to make 3 more of them. Now I need to sit down and make those too (Now that the weather is regularly in the mid 80s!).
Ok, enough about knitting. No, wait. More: One of the women in my knitting group is opening a yarn shop, and the big grand opening is tonight. Should be fun. Noel is going with me - poor guy, exposed to so much alpaca. :) She has said that she needs people to teach classes and bring in samples to hang up, but I don't really have any samples of anything, except another sweater designed by Stefanie Japel that I made out of cotton (big mistake - it droops and sags and is just a little sad). Maybe I could donate that to the cause. Hmmm....
It's a beautiful day outside - the kind of day when it's hard to stay in your seat! I'll have some finished object photos to post soon, so stay tuned!